Which Of The Following Contributes To The Economic Problem Of Scarcity? (2024)

1. Scarcity - National Geographic Society

  • May 19, 2022 · One of the defining features of economics is scarcity, which deals with how people satisfy unlimited wants and needs with limited resources.

  • One of the defining features of economics is scarcity, which deals with how people satisfy unlimited wants and needs with limited resources. Scarcity affects the monetary value people place on goods and services and how governments and private firms decide to distribute resources.

Scarcity - National Geographic Society

2. Understanding Economics and Scarcity | Microeconomics

  • Scarcity exists when human wants for goods and services exceed the available supply. People make decisions in their own self-interest, weighing benefits and ...

3. Scarcity in Economics | Definition, Graph & Examples - Study.com

  • May 11, 2022 · Scarcity, or limited resources, is one of the most basic economic problems we face. We run into scarcity because while resources are limited, we ...

  • In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask that you confirm your identity as a human. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

4. The 5 E's of Economics - Harper College

  • This then brings use to a third important idea: Because of scarcity we MUST MAKE CHOICES. Some economists call this the "economizing problem". We can't have ...

  • I. What Is Economics?


  • If resources were abundant without limit, then we would not have a scarcity of the products they produce. Economic problems are problems of relative scarcity  ...

6. Lesson summary: Introduction to Macroeconomics - Khan Academy

  • Scarcity is sometimes considered the basic problem of economics. Resources are scarce because we live in a world in which humans' wants are infinite but the ...

  • Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

Lesson summary: Introduction to Macroeconomics - Khan Academy

7. Quiz & Worksheet - Basic Economic Problem of Scarcity - Study.com

  • Factors that contribute to scarcity; Examples of non-scarce goods ... This lesson covers the following objectives: Understand the basic problem of scarcity ...

  • In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask that you confirm your identity as a human. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

8. AP Micro – 1.1 Basic Economic Concepts: Scarcity - Fiveable

  • Dec 17, 2022 · It is the fundamental economic problem of having to choose between alternative uses of limited resources. In other words, scarcity forces us to ...

  • 🤑 Unit 1 study guides written by former AP Micro students to review Basic Economic Concepts with detailed explanations and practice questions.

AP Micro – 1.1 Basic Economic Concepts: Scarcity - Fiveable

9. The economic problem of scarcity – UNISA

  • According to these definitions, the economic problem, also referred to as the scarcity problem, arises because the resources that we have available for the ...

  • The reason we have to make choices is the existence of scarcity. There is simply not enough time in a day to do all the things you need or want to do. So you are forced to choose between alternatives. Or it might be that you do not have enough income to purchase the goods and services you need and want.

10. Scarcity: What It Means in Economics and What Causes It - Investopedia

  • Scarcity refers to the most basic economic problem: the gap between limited—that is, scarce—resources and theoretically limitless wants.

Scarcity: What It Means in Economics and What Causes It - Investopedia

11. Water Scarcity | Threats | WWF - World Wildlife Fund

  • When waters run dry, people can't get enough to drink, wash, or feed crops, and economic decline may occur. In addition, inadequate sanitation—a problem for ...

  • Water covers 70% of our planet, and it is easy to think that it will always be plentiful. However, freshwater—the stuff we drink, bathe in, irrigate our farm fields with—is incredibly rare. Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. Inadequate sanitation is also a problem for 2.4 billion people—they are exposed to diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever, and other water-borne illnesses. Two million people, mostly children, die each year from diarrheal diseases alone. Many of the water systems that keep ecosystems thriving and feed a growing human population have become stressed. Rivers, lakes and aquifers are drying up or becoming too polluted to use. More than half the world’s wetlands have disappeared. Agriculture consumes more water than any other source and wastes much of that through inefficiencies. Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the world, causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others. At the current consumption rate, this situation will only get worse. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages. And ecosystems around the world will suffer even more.

Water Scarcity | Threats | WWF - World Wildlife Fund


  • Jul 13, 2020 · of resource scarcity should be integrated into economic decision-making ... area, after the economic collapse following the closure of its ...

13. [PDF] Sample Test: Economics 1. Which term is used to describe the study of ...

  • According to economic theory, when does scarcity occur? a. when a society ... Which of the following is a market economy primarily based on? a. capitalism ...


  • For these and many other reasons, the problem of capital formation is of the ... it is obvious that when foreign exchange is scarce importation of these can be ...

15. Environmental Scarcity and the Outbreak of Conflict | PRB

  • Demand-induced scarcity: Population growth or increasing consumption levels decrease the amount of limited natural resources available to each individual.

  • Informing a Smarter World

Environmental Scarcity and the Outbreak of Conflict | PRB

16. 1.1 What Is Economics, and Why Is It Important? - UH Pressbooks

  • Economics is the study of how humans make decisions in the face of scarcity. These can be individual decisions, family decisions, business decisions or ...

  • Chapter 1. Welcome to Economics!

17. How Do Supply Chain Issues Contribute to Inflation? - U.S. Bank

  • Aug 22, 2023 · ... economic challenges. Household balance sheets improved with the support of these policies. Consumers, unable to spend money on services and ...

  • Supply chain issues played a significant role in the resurgence of inflation, but those problems began to subside in the closing months of 2022, which may lead to favorable inflation trends.

How Do Supply Chain Issues Contribute to Inflation? - U.S. Bank
Which Of The Following Contributes To The Economic Problem Of Scarcity? (2024)


Which of the following contributes to the economic problem of scarcity resources are limited? ›

Scarcity is sometimes considered the basic problem of economics. Resources are scarce because we live in a world in which humans' wants are infinite but the land, labor, and capital required to satisfy those wants are limited.

Which of the following best describes the problem of scarcity? ›

The correct answer is b. Resources are scarce when compared to the demand for them. Scarcity is an economic problem, and it is defined as the gap between the unlimited wants of individuals and limited resources in the economy.

Which of the following describes scarcity ap classroom? ›

Scarcity- Scarcity refers to the situation when there are unlimited wants and limited resources.

Why does scarcity exist in this economy? ›

Scarcity exists because we have limited resources and unlimited wants. No society has ever had enough resources to produce all the goods and services its members wanted. Because of scarcity, all decisions involve costs.

What are 3 causes of scarcity? ›

Causes of scarcity
  • Demand-induced – High demand for resource.
  • Supply-induced – supply of resource running out.
  • Structural scarcity – mismanagement and inequality.
  • No effective substitutes.
Oct 17, 2019

Which of the following is the main cause of scarcity? ›

One of the causes of scarcity is an unequal distribution of resources. Often, resources are available to a certain set of the population, but not to another set of the population.

What is scarcity an economic problem for quizlet? ›

The basic economic problem is that of scarcity and choice. This is because people have infinite wants in the face of limited resources, therefore decisions have to be made. The basic economic problem ensures that every society has to decide what to produce, how best to produce it, and for whom to produce it.

Why is scarcity a problem quizlet? ›

When economists say goods are scarce, they mean: the desire for goods and services exceeds our ability to produce them with the limited resources available. Scarcity is a problem: because human wants are unlimited while resources are limited.

What is an example of scarcity quizlet? ›

An example of scarcity would be: If there are not enough pencils for everyone to have one. Something is scarce when: A lack of supplies occurs because wants are greater than resources can provide.

What are the four factors of scarcity? ›

It's time to wrap things up, but before we go, always remember that the four factors of production - land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship - are scarce resources that form the building blocks of the economy.

What is scarcity and what are some examples of scarcity? ›

Commodities. Natural resources like gold, oil, silver and other fossil fuels are naturally rare. When demand exceeds the supply, these resources become scarce and prices can go up. Other commodities, like diamonds, command a high price because of their limited availability and control of their market.

Which of the following is the best example of a scarce factor of production? ›

Land is the scarce factor of production. Other scarce factors include labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What are the effects of scarcity? ›

Effects of scarcity in economics

Scarcity can force consumers to allocate resources to satisfy their own basic needs and wants. An example of this may be when there's a decrease in the supply of fuel. When this occurs, the price of fuel usually rises, which means some people may no longer afford to buy it.

What are the different types of scarcity? ›

There are two main types of scarcity: absolute and relative. Absolute scarcity refers to the physical limitations of resources, while relative scarcity refers to the value we place on resources. For example, diamonds are not absolutely scarce, but we as a society value them highly, so they are relatively scarce.

Is scarcity the main economic problem? ›

The basic economic problem is about scarcity and choice. Every society has to decide: What goods and services to produce?

What are the limited resources in scarcity? ›

The resources that we value—time, money, labor, tools, land, and raw materials—exist in limited supply. There are simply never enough resources to meet all our needs and desires. This condition is known as scarcity. At any moment in time, there is a finite amount of resources available.

What part of the economic problem is that resources are limited? ›

One of the defining features of economics is scarcity, which deals with how people satisfy unlimited wants and needs with limited resources. Scarcity affects the monetary value people place on goods and services and how governments and private firms decide to distribute resources.

What is the economic problem with limited resources? ›

An economic problem generally means the problem of making choices that occurs because of the scarcity of resources. It arises because people have unlimited desires but the means to satisfy that desire is limited. Therefore, satisfying all human needs is difficult with limited means.

What is the economic problem of scarcity refers to the limited? ›

The Basic Problem - Scarcity

Scarcity, or limited resources, is one of the most basic economic problems we face. We run into scarcity because while resources are limited, we are a society with unlimited wants. Therefore, we have to choose. We have to make trade-offs.


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